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With over 50 years of experience in the global automotive industry, InterRegs are pioneers in the field of regulations updating services and synonymous with quality, invaluable regulatory support.

Our History

Our journey began 1968 when we were commissioned to translate German Construction and Use Regulations for a major vehicle manufacturer based in the UK. It transpired that there were many other vehicle manufacturers who had the same requirements and were keen to share the costs to accomplish this complicated technical translation. The manufacturers involved were very pleased with the final results and called upon us again to carry out further translations of international regulatory information. We saw the potential growth in demand for this type of information at an early stage, and began developing the service we had been providing. We started sourcing the information ourselves, and following translation we published the consolidated regulations as loose-leaf manuals on a subscription basis with regular updates.

We changed our name to Intereurope Regulations Ltd, and over the next 25 years as vehicle manufacturing and export became a more global industry a very strong client base grew. We gained a reputation for providing a clear, comprehensive, accurate and accessible information service. New countries and subject areas were regularly added to the automotive service, and we expanded our scope to cover regulations governing mobile construction equipment and emissions from non-road engines.

InterRegs HQ

In 1995 we launched the CD version of our service, which was met with great acclaim. It provided intuitive navigation pages, a fully searchable database of regulations and a dynamic encryption and subscription management system. The 1990's also saw our relocation to Fareham in Hampshire, and another company name change. We were concerned that Intereurope Regulations Ltd did not accurately reflect our global coverage, possibly giving the impression that we only supplied European regulations. So in 1998, we changed our name to InterRegs Ltd. In 2000 we launched, an online service hosted on the latest e-commerce technology, offering the ability to search, purchase, and immediately download any of the 3000+ regulations we now publish.

A fully online subscription service, InterRegs.NET, was launched in 2006 giving users more immediate access to global vehicle regulations from their own web browser; it also included improvements such as the ability to bookmark any frequently viewed regulations, and links to recently viewed documents. During 2007/2008 we developed a new database containing a further range of vehicle regulations information - the Legislation Implementation Dates (LID) database covers pending legislative changes and regulatory activity by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the European Union (EU) and US Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). Our Global Automotive Regulations service currently covers over 50 countries and subjects and is being continually developed along with our Off-highway Construction Equipment and Non-road Engine Emission services.

Today, the InterRegs.NET library of global vehicle regulations contains in excess of 21,000 regulatory documents covering vehicle regulations for more than 70 countries and subjects around the world, all easily accessible via online subscription. In an average year one third of the regulatory documents InterRegs provides are amended or updated - InterRegs continuously checks and updates the regulations for you, and sends you email alerts whenever specific regulations are updated. InterRegs are certified to ISO 9001:2015, giving you the assurance that we provide a quality service which is being continuously developed and improved, with our clients' needs and feedback in mind.




Our online subscription service, offering immediate access to global regualtions.


A fast easy means of searching and purchasing global regulations on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Find out how we could help you

Don't waste valuable engineering ad design resources using numerous complex, international websites. Speak to us about our easy and efficient solutions to regulatory requirements

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