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InterRegs prides iteslf on keeping up-to-date with all the latest industry news and is commited to keep its clients informed.

Jul 2024 | Spotlight

Updated UN ECE Regulations Relating to Hydrogen Fuelled Vehicles Published

Following the publication of Amendment 1 to United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) Global Technical Regulation No. 13 on hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles, an equivalent set of amendments to the UN ECE Regulation on hydrogen fuelled vehicles, UN ECE Regulation No. 134, were developed to ensure alignment and consistency between the two Regulations.  The resulting 02 Series of Amendments to UN ECE Regulation No. 134 were adopted by the UN ECE World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) in November 2023 and came into force on June 15, 2024.  On that same date, an 05 Series of Amendments to UN ECE Regulation No. 94 on offset deformable barrier front impact, and 06 Series of Amendments to UN ECE Regulation No. 95 on lateral impact and an 03 Series of Amendments to UN ECE Regulation No. 137 on full width flat barrier front impact also came into force.  Each of these Series of Amendments introduce the necessary provisions into the relevant Regulation to allow for the crash testing of hydrogen fuelled vehicles.

Jul 2024 | News

Updated Chinese Standards on Passenger Car Tyres and Truck Tyres Published

Updated versions of two Chinese standards on tyres have recently been published; GB 9743-2024 on passenger car tyres and GB 9744-2024 on truck tyres.

Jul 2024 | News

Comment Period for Hydrogen Vehicle Fuel System and Compressed Hydrogen Storage System Integrity NPRM Extended

In the June 6, 2024 Federal Register (Vol. 89 No. 110, Docket No. NHTSA-2024-0006) NHTSA published an extension of the comment period for 30 days until July 17, 2024 for the hydrogen related Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) issued in the April 17, 2024 Federal Register.

Jun 2024 | News

European Commission Requests Comments on a Proposed EU Regulation Covering Event Data Recorders for Heavy Duty Motor Vehicles

On May 21, 2024, the European Commission published a draft Regulation specifying the technical requirements and test procedures for Event Data Recorders (EDR's) fitted to heavy duty motor vehicles for public comment. The mandatory fitment of Event Data Recorders (EDR's) to heavy duty motor vehicles is one of the new safety features required by (EU) 2019/2144 (more commonly referred to as General Safety Regulation 2 or GSR 2). As specified in (EU) 2019/2144, from January 7, 2026, the fitment of an EDR becomes mandatory for all new types of M2, M3, N2 and N3 category vehicle (i.e. buses, coaches, heavy trucks and tractor units) and, from January 7, 2029, the fitment of an EDR will become mandatory for all new vehicles falling into those categories.