The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued Public Notices (PNs) and docket filings regarding use of the 5.9 GHz Safety Band. These deal with:
- Transitioning from the Lower 45 MHz - The FCC published a reminder about transitioning by July 5, 2022. The PN provides guidance on how intelligent transportation systems (ITS) licensees will notify the Bureau by July 20, 2022.
- Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) Waiver Requests - The FCC has posted three LTE-C-V2X waiver requests and has asked the public for comments within 30 days of each waiver being published in the Federal Register:
- The Departments of Transportation (DOTs) of the Florida, Georgia and Maryland
- A set of automakers, State DOTs, and equipment manufacturers (collectively, the C-V2X Joint Waiver Parties). This notice is available on InterRegs.NET for our USA Federal subscribers and is also available at
- Drive Ohio
Information on providing comments to the FCC is included in each PN.