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Dec 2015

SAE/InterRegs Award Winner 2016 Announcement

An engraved Award and US$1000 prize will be presented to our 2016 SAE/InterRegs Standards and Regulations Award winner, James Green, by InterRegs' Rebecca Rubio at the 2016 SAE Government/Industry Meeting in Washington DC.

As Project Officer at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, James Green's involvement with the Truck Crashworthiness Committee created a family of new test procedures and Recommended Practices relating to various aspects of ambulance safety, for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) workers and their patients. These new Recommended Practices are part of a central strategy to improve ambulance system safety, and enable the development and manufacture of vehicle occupant and equipment sub-systems to meet new safety performance objectives. They also have an impact on the design and performance of new ambulance vehicles throughout N America and abroad. SAE is now the home for these new test procedures ensuring their adoption and usage by industry, and improving ambulance safety for Emergency Medical Technicians and their patients.

Our congratulations to James!