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Jul 2019

Are you in the Know? Knowledgebase Support for InterRegs.NET Subscribers

Did you know,in the Index section of InterRegs.NET, each regulatory document listed under the subject or numerical categories has a 'details'link which gives you further information about that document? This includes the document name, its official title, its issuing country, date of issue, amendment level, number of pages as well as its update history and links to any associated documents.

InterRegs.NET subscribers! For this type of information and more, head to your Support section. Here you'll find the Knowledgebase -a quick and easy tool for learning more about InterRegs.NET and how to take full advantage of its features.

Searching the database, navigating your way around PDF documents, viewing multiple regulations, bookmarking and creating your own ZIP packages are just a few of the handy hints outlined in the Knowledgebase to help you get the most from your subscription.